SOSAFE Protected Home

Hello! Apparently you are interested in protecting your home against theft and fire with the best insurance!
You have come to the right place. We are happy to tell you that together with MetLife we ​​have created the "SOSAFE Protected Home" insurance.

You want to know more?

Until now in SOSAFE you could anticipate a criminal act, for example when you see something that seems suspicious to you.
Also, during a robbery, you have been able to immediately report it to the police and authorities. Now with the insurance "SOSAFE protected Home" we can also help you once you have already suffered an event as unfortunate as a robbery in your home. In addition, we include free fire insurance.
Thus, we continue to give you tools that can serve you and always focused on our goal of creating safer cities.

Insurance details

We know that many times insurance plans can be somewhat tangled.  We will try to keep it short and explain it as simply as possible.

You can choose between two plans.
Valor Plan 1: $9,900 approx monthly (0.33 UF)
Valor Plan 2: $ 12,000 approx monthly. (0.4 UF)

*UF value of September 9

We wanted to give you options so that you can choose according to your budget. The price of the insurance is directly related to the total amount to be covered, so in this case, Plan 2 will cover you more than Plan 1.
Let's review more details.

In the event of Theft of any kind, we will give you a Compensation of up to 50 UF with Plan 1 ,and  100 UF with plan 2 per year with
a deductible of only 10 UF per event and you will have a maximum of 2 events per year.
In the case of theft of the articles, will consider a cap of 30 UF for each of them, we are talking about a total amount of coverage for Plan 1,  50 UF and for plan 2  100 UF.

If you want to take out the insurance, leave us your information in the contact form and we will call!

*This information only represents a summary of the coverages, conditions and limitations of SOSAFE PROTECTED HOME INSURANCE. The risk is covered by MetLife Chile Seguros Generales S.A, the detail of the conditions, terms and exclusions can be found in the General Conditions under POL 1 2020 0058 deposited with the Commission for the Financial Market together with the Specific Conditions of the Policy.

I want to activate my insurance or unsubscribe

We are sorry that you have suffered a robbery. Complete the information in the following link in order to activate your insurance.

In case of theft:
In case of fire:

If you want to unsubscribe.



Our team is happy to answer your questions. Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

General Information

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