Risk prevention software for mining

At SOSAFE, we envision a world where every workplace achieves zero accidents, thanks to an intuitive and automated management system that easily closes gaps.

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SOSAFE Portal dashboard image

Trusted by:

BHP logoCollahuasi logoSQM logoWalmart logo

The need for change

We know that identifying and managing findings is challenging: unfriendly software, difficulty in assigning findings to the right person, omnichannel follow-up that lacks traceability, lack of adequate tools to achieve an effective prevention culture on site. Most software will charge you on a per-user basis, leaving you with no incentives to involve everyone in creating a safety culture.

Real consequence: Low number of findings ➡ more accidents ➡ more fatalities. Without responsible parties, gaps remain unclosed. An incomplete X-ray of findings hinders management for quick corrective action.

2 woman with hard hats and 1 man that work in safety

Introducing: SOSAFE

SOSAFE is the most used findings tool in Chile. It is a platform that revolutionizes safety management, providing actionable information, assigning responsible parties, available to everyone, and with the most user-friendly interface on the market.

Report issues and notify the right people instantly

Create and customize findings (unsafe action, unsafe condition, sexual harassment, wildlife sighting, and more). Compliance percentage, demonstrable evidence (photos, video, audio). Closure certification with digital signature and closure approvals.

A check icon
Automatic notifications to the responsible party
A check icon
Works even when offline
A check icon
Deadline for compliance (finding closure)
Map showing users live location
Bar chart showing number of events per day

Unlimited inspections, audits, and checklists

Conduct inspections and audits directly from your phone. Create your own checklists and forms in minutes. Easily create and assign tasks to teams or individuals.

A check icon
Create your own forms and inspections
A check icon
Create and assign tasks automatically
A check icon
Define question order based on answers

Have an overview and get to the root cause

Know and be informed of what's happening at your company anytime. See what requires your attention, prioritize tasks and track improvement. Connect with your team and solve problems faster together.

A check icon
Dashboards and BI tools to monitor trends and compliance
A check icon
Get detailed information of what happened
A check icon
User profiling for employees and contractors
Map showing users live location

How it works

Step-by-Step Process for Employees and Contractors: 1. Download the Mobile App and Register: Easy setup for all your employees. 2. Report Incidents: Choose the type of finding and quickly notify the responsible party. 3. Assign Tasks: Assign responsibilities and set deadlines for resolving the finding. 4. Monitor Progress: Review the status of the raised finding and verify its progress until closure.

A phone screen showing a list of reports to choose from

Issue Reporting

Allow all employees and contractors to report incidents, follow-up tasks, ideas and other observations.

A phone screen showing an inspection list with options to select
Map icon

Inspections & Audits

Make paper inspections a thing of the past. Build dynamic forms and conduct inspections directly from your phone.

A phone screen showing a list of pending reports and on top, a harassment report
An exclamation mark inside a circle icon


Have a secure and anonymous channel for confidential reporting to help you comply with policies and regulations.

A mobile phone screen showing a text and video on how to use a fire extinguisher
A megaphone icon


Share important information, news and tips with your company. Create a safety culture by sharing improvements and learnings.

2 images showing a heat-map chart and a horizontal bar chart showing total issues reported by zone
Check icon

Analytics & Trends

Create and customize reports to your needs. Track important KPIs and share results with your team and organization.

Several app icons like SAP, Power BI, WhatsApp, Excel and more
Mail icon


Already viewing data on another platform? No problem. Import, export or connect your favorite tools with SOSAFE.

A phone screen showing a list of reports to choose from

Issue Reporting

Allow all employees and contractors to report incidents, follow-up tasks, ideas and other observations.

A phone screen showing an inspection list with options to select
Map icon

Inspections & Audits

Make paper inspections a thing of the past. Build dynamic forms and conduct inspections directly from your phone.

A phone screen showing a list of pending reports and on top, a harassment report
An exclamation mark inside a circle icon


Have a secure and anonymous channel for confidential reporting to help you comply with policies and regulations.

A mobile phone screen showing a text and video on how to use a fire extinguisher
A megaphone icon


Share important information, news and tips with your company. Create a safety culture by sharing improvements and learnings.

2 images showing a heat-map chart and a horizontal bar chart showing total issues reported by zone
Check icon

Analytics & Trends

Create and customize reports to your needs. Track important KPIs and share results with your team and organization.

Several app icons like SAP, Power BI, WhatsApp, Excel and more
Mail icon


Already viewing data on another platform? No problem. Import, export or connect your favorite tools with SOSAFE.

Proven results

3x increase in findings.
+70% of employees connected per site.
Over 820 verified monthly reports.

Contact Us 👋

We are very happy with SOSAFE. It has allowed us to manage more than 50 possible daily risks in Escondida, it was such a success that we expanded it to all BHP operations in Chile, and we would like it to expand to the rest of BHP's operations in the world.

William Thomson

We now do all of our inspections with SOSAFE GO. The app is really easy to use and we can customize forms to our needs.

Lucía Parra

SOSAFE has become an important tool for controlling the proper functioning of all processes, where the users of different services themselves become part of the line control, improving not only the well-being of workers, but also alerting of situations that They can generate deviations in the correct running of the processes. SOSAFE is, for this superintendency, a means of direct control delivered by all users and workers, transforming them into main actors and controllers to improve processes.

Andrés Arenas

Create a safer workplace with SOSAFE today

Let us know about your challenges today and see how SOSAFE can help your organization.

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