Streamline your day to day
SOSAFE Portal collects and assigns issues to the corresponding team in your company. Automatically.
Centralize, visualize and easily manage issues with SOSAFE Portal. Save time, resources and even lives.
Contact us 👋SOSAFE Portal collects and assigns issues to the corresponding team in your company. Automatically.
Know and be informed of what's happening at your company anytime. Connect with your team and solve problems faster together.
Spend less time organizing and analyzing your data. Make better decisions faster and get the job done with half the effort. Knowing what's important and prioritizing issues it's easier with SOSAFE Portal.
Seamlessly connect your website, GPS vehicles, drones, security cameras, mobile app, CAD or ERP with our developer-friendly API.
Create and track issues in less than 5 seconds. Track anything and everything you consider important for your company's operation and safety.
Get automatic issue heatmaps. Visualize where things are happening and share it with your company and team members.
Customize and select the issues you want to be informed about in your company. Let your team collaborate in creating a safety culture.
Allow your team or vehicle fleet to share their location with you. Know where they are and the workload they have for better issue assignment.
Make better decisions and prioritize easily with better data visualization. See if things are improving or need to be taken care of.
Already tracking things on another platform? No problem. Import and export your data effortlessly with SOSAFE Portal.
Allow your team and contractors to inform you about issues, improvements and potential risks you care about. Visualize and always know what's happening.
Contact us 👋